
Please refer to the main definitions docs to understand the basic functions referenced below.


  • target

    • timeline: 20D2L

    • bins=5, uniformity=10%, 40%, 50%

Meta Models

  • Numerai Crypto submissions are cleaned first by:

    • join on the token universe

    • drop nan and duplicate symbols

    • tie-kept-rank each submission

    • fill nans in each submission with 0.5

  • Numerai Crypto Naive-Weighted Meta Model w/ minimum 1 NMR stake (CNWMMmin1)

    • Average of cleaned Crypto submissions with at least 1 NMR stake


  • submissions are cleaned before used in scoring:

    • drop invalid symbols

    • tie-kept rank the submission

    • fill nans with 0.5

  • MMC - Meta Model Contribution

    • correlation contribution of a submission, CNWMMmin1, and target

    • timeline: 20D2L (+ 2 days data lag)

  • CORR - Correlation

    • numerai corr of a submission and target

    • 20 score days w/ 2 days returns lag (+ 2 days data lag)

Last updated